Website and Graphic Designer
Vio Global Trading
in Shanghai
We are a transitioning company that formerly imported various commodities to the United States from mainland China. We are now shifting our focus to the many opportunities of the internet, and the vast market available within Shanghai and the rest of China.
Job Description:
We are a start up Internet Company involved in a number of different online industries.
Currently we are in need of some creative and innovative individuals to help us increase our web presence within China and the rest of the world.
Our requirements are that you have experience in the various coding required to create websites (ie: xhtml, css, php, javascript, flash, of course SEO…etc etc etc… you get the idea.). Also, graphic design experience with programs like photoshop and others is required to fulfill this job. We do not require a native English speaker, however it would be preferred.
A portfolio of your work must be presented at the interview (a digital copy is perfectly fine). Please be prepared to demonstrate some coding on the spot prior to being offered the job. We have had some bad experiences in the past, so if you have doubts about your qualifications please don’t bother contacting us.
- Designing several new websites
- Creating Logos, flyers, and other advertisement material
- Updating and maintaining the new websites to ensure high customer satisfaction
- Mostly working independently
You must either be living in shanghai now or able to move here ASAP.
For all those who are confident that you qualify, we look forward to meeting you!
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