Occupational Therapist
Care for Children Family Services Clinic
in Beijing
Job title : Occupational Therapist
Reports to : School and Clinic Manager
Must liaise with : Para-professional, therapeutic, clinic and Admin staff
Overview of Roles
1) To provide comprehensive OT assessments and therapies to children (birth-18 years old) in the Beijing community, at the Clinic
2) To assist designing IEP for students at other schools, and to provide parent and teacher support
3) To provide OT services to the SEN students of the CfC SEN school
4) To train teachers and parents on OT related topics at regular times throughout the year
5) To provide appropriate support to CfC National Training Centre staff concerning training programs for domestic orphanage personnel and domestic care workers
6) To contribute to and be active in the multi disciplinary team
7) To work responsibly, proactively and cooperatively as part of the Family Clinic’s multi-disciplinary team in the best interests of each client’s
Other Duties and Responsibilities: *This is in addition to the EXPECTATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES (section3; pg5) set out in the FSC Clinic Staff Manual 2010/11
• Be involved in the development and implementation of clinic plans
• Support building a bridge between special needs educators in China and the West
• Present the FSC to the international community by being involved in social networks, education opportunities and other
• Communicate the range of services available to parents at the FSC and provide parent support, particularly to Chinese and Cantonese speaking families
• Be part of the multi-disciplinary team that creatively seeks to solve problems; whether client focused or in the development of clinic services
• Introduce the clinic to the international and local community through Interest Evenings and other events
• Promote and support cross cultural dialogue in special education
• To provide training to parents, teachers and local Chinese workers through the FSC and CfC Foster care programme
• To provide assistance to CfC’s Training department on the designing of materials for domestic orphanage personnel, domestic care workers and domestic teachers (mainstream and special needs)
• Assist in the organizing of ‘conferences’ or training events/days
• To providing ‘on call’ professional input on specific subjects
• To initiate and maintain a positive relationship with the sections of Occupational Therapy, Education and Special Education of Chinese universities/colleges, and work out exchange programs/internship programs where East and West can meet
For more information, please contact Jason Tam jason@careforchildren.com.cn
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