ESL Teacher
Aston English Group
ESL jobs and careers. Pro and 1st time teachers needed, super benefits
Ready for Summer placement!
Aston English Group needs native speakers, veteran and 1st timers. The America’s, South Africa, the UK, Oceania, all accents welcome. 3-4 year College or University degree mandatory. *Visas require native English origin.
Light the candle of knowledge and share the joy in Children’s eyes. Teaching at our training schools is low stress and fulfilling. The schedule leaves you 2-4 days off, FREE TIME to live and explore your new life. And all your weekdays are free!
For veteran teachers, we have management and premium positions, of pay, location and benefits. If you are new in Asia, we will guide you through every step, from airport pick-up, getting a cell phone, to settling bank accounts, until you are confident on your own.
We are a Western managed and reliable school group, over 100 schools strong. Visas are 100% legal and above board. Should any difficulties with the teachers’ affairs arise, Aston Head office will remedy and support you.
Hiring now for Summer term. Email me for information packet
or call TW 886 922453710, US 828 680 0044
Real benefits for 25 hour/ 12 month contract
• 7300- 10,000 RMB/ month salary (1,200-1,600 USD) *Higher salaried positions depend on school and experience
• Free Housing provided *teacher pays electricity, phone and internet
• 2+ guaranteed days off per week; *weekday daytimes are also usually free
• 14 days PAID vacation
• 7300- 10,000 RMB completion bonus
• TEFL training provided
• Medical Coverage *major medical/ hospitalization
• Free Chinese language lessons
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